Welcome to the BC Dental Association


Canadian Dental Care Plan Updates for Patients
If you are currently a BCDA Member, Renewals are now open! Renew your membership to continue receiving your benefits. 

Membership Categories

BCDA Membership Categories

Member Benefits Full Limited Student
CDANet UIN/iTrans Yes No No
CDSPI Malpractice Insurance Member Pricing Yes Yes


Legal Expense Insurance  Yes No No
24/7 Legal Hotline  Yes No No
Dentist Wellness Program (DWP) Yes No


Member Assistance Program (MAP) Yes Yes Yes
X-ray/CBCT Inspection Program Yes No No
Electronic & Printed Fee Guides Yes No No
Elections/General Meetings/AGM Rights & Privileges Yes No


Member Support (1:1 assistance) Yes Yes Yes
Voluntary Mediation Support Yes Yes Yes
Complimentary Early Bird PDC Registration Yes Yes Yes
Webinars Yes Yes Yes
On-Demand Courses Yes Yes Yes
Dental Mentorship Program Online Yes Yes Yes
WinDMP Events Yes Yes Yes
Member-Only Web Portal Yes Yes Yes
Practice Resources Yes No Yes
Classified Advertisements Yes Yes Yes
Member Discounts Yes Yes Yes
the bridge Magazine (print & digital)  Yes Yes Yes

Currently, all dentists licensed to practice in BC are eligible to become members of the BCDA and the Canadian Dental Association (CDA).
This membership category is available to all active dentists who hold any of the following licenses:

Full Membership Sub-Categories:

General Practitioner

  • Dentists holding an active Full Dental BCCOHP License are eligible

Certified Specialist

  • Dentists holding an active Certified Specialist or Restricted to Specialty BCCOHP License are eligible

First Year in Practice

  • New graduate dentists and specialists that register for BCDA membership within one (1) year of graduation, provided specialists were not previously licensed, and hold any of the following BCCOHP Licenses: Full License, Certified Specialist, or Restricted to Specialty License are eligible
  • The one-time reduced fee is available for general dentist graduates and certified dental specialist graduates in their first year of practice, up until six months after the start of the membership year. Thereafter, the fee for this member category will be reduced by 50% in accordance with that afforded to all new and renewing members (see: Pro-ration Policy).

Academic (Grandparented)

  • Dentists holding an active Academic (Grandparented) BCCOHP License are eligible

Canadian Armed Forces

  • Dentists holding an active Limited (Armed Forces or Government) BCCOHP License are eligible


  • Dentists holding an active Full, Certified Specialist, or Restricted to Specialty BCCOHP License and are transitioning into retirement working 300 hours or less as of the previous membership year, and does not exceed three (3) membership years in this sub-category are eligible

Parental Leave

  • Dentists holding an active Full, Certified Specialist, or Restricted to Specialty BCCOHP License but will be absent from practice for a period of four (4) to twelve (12) months are eligible
Apply to be a BCDA Member!

This membership category is available to all dentists who hold any of the following licenses:

Limited Membership Sub-Categories:


  • In BC: Dentists holding an active Non-Practicing BCCOHP License are eligible
  • Outside of BC: Dentists holding an active Non-Practicing License from another jurisdiction within Canada are eligible


  • Dentists holding an active Academic BCCOHP License are eligible


  • Dentists holding an active Education BCCOHP License are eligible


  • Dentists holding an active Volunteer BCCOHP License are eligible


  • In BC: Dentists that no longer practice dentistry, and have resigned from the BCCOHP are eligible
  • Outside of BC: Dentists that no longer practice dentistry, and have resigned from another jurisdiction within Canada are eligible
Apply to be a BCDA Member!

This membership category is available to all dentists who hold any of the following licenses:

Student Membership Sub-Categories:

University of British Columbia Undergraduate Dental Students

  • If you’re a current UBC dentistry undergraduate student, a BCDA membership is available to you free of charge

4th Year Students at Accredited Schools Outside BC

  • If you're in your 4th year at an accredited school (in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland or USA), you’re eligible for a deeply discounted BCDA membership

Internationally-Trained NDEB Candidates (Graduates from Non-Accredited Schools)

  • To be eligible, you must have passed the AFK, ACJ and ACS and are waiting to move on to the next step, the NDEB certification process

Post-Graduate Students

  • If you're a post-graduate dental student, you are eligible for a deeply discounted BCDA membership
Apply to be a BCDA Member!

*Academic & Limited (Education & Volunteer)
** BC Only
***Right to receive notice of, to attend, and speak at all General Meetings. No election privileges.